Gratis Inhalte
Bone Spreading, Bone Condensing
Streckbein, RolandContent: Surgical flap creation and elevation; Use of drill template for exact determination of implant position; Implant site creation; Site preparation / tapping; Bone compaction; Insertion of the implants; Impression-taking; Wound closure; Later implant insertion; Dental lab work; Creating the model with laboratory implants; Shaping the bar frame; Adapting the laser welded frame to the model; Manufacturing the tooth replacement, Fitting the bar into the tooth replacement; Finishing work. -
Soft Tissue Management in the Aesthetic Zone
Daniel ThomaExpert presenter PD Dr. Daniel Thoma is a Head of Academic Unit at the Clinic for Fixed and Removable Prosthodontics and Dental Material Sciences, University of Zurich, Switzerland. Long-term successful outcomes with implant therapy are based on a number of parameters. Among these, the critical assessment of the peri-implant soft tissues and subsequent therapeutical interventions are considered key factors. -
Implantation with Simultaneous Augmentation
Grunder, UeliProcedure: - Case evaluation - Incision technique - Implant placement - Membrane adjustment and fixation - Introduction of replacement material - Flap mobilization - Suture technique Contents: Implantation was desired for replacement of a missing upper canine tooth and the adjacent lateral incisor tooth. The initial case evaluation revealed a relatively narrow gap between these two teeth in addition to extensive hard and soft-tissue defects. We selected an incision technique that made it possible to do the augmentation work yet subsequently achieve a tension-free flap closure. Since the bony defect was large while the available space was limited, we had to go for the best possible compromise in regard to implant insertion. After the implants had been inserted, augmentation was carried out using a non-absorbable, titanium-reinforced membrane, bone replacement material, and an absorbable membrane. Extreme flap mobilization was needed to achieve flap closure. An optimal suture technique was used to complete the surgery. -
Covering a Recession with a Soft Tissue Transplant
Heinz, Bernd / Jepsen, SörenObjectives: Use of a soft tissue graft for recession coverage at tooth 23 and for gingival augmentation Content: - Incision around tooth 23, intra-sulcular preparation, mobilization of coronal sliding flap, and pre-flap preparation. - Root smoothing, reduction of ground cavity with diamond burs from Perioset system. - Preparation and harvesting of connective tissue flap from palate, Emdogain application, and wound closure. - Placement of interrupted interdental sutures for fixation of connective tissue flap. -
Periodontal Preserve Therapy (Examples)
Clotten, StefanContent: - Periodontal maintenance therapy for teeth 34 and 35, including the regeneration of a bone defect using bone replacement material, collagen membrane and sutures. - Curettage for treatment of periodontal pockets. - Treatment of gingival pressure sores caused by tight-fitting orthodontic apparatus. - Incision of buccal attachment to relieve gingival pressure for elimination of gingival recession. -
Short and narrow implants, how far can we go?
Christoph Hämmerle, José NartIn this webinar moderated by Prof Ronald Jung and Dr. Adrián Guerrero the expert presenters Prof. Christoph Hämmerle and Dr. José Nart discuss about the importance and benefits of using short and narrow implants. -
Cell-to-Cell Communication - Inflammatory Reactions
Stadlinger, Bernd / Terheyden, HendrikVisualizing the invisible while experiencing a fascination with science is the great challenge that Cell-to-Cell Communication, representing an all-new genre, has set out to meet. A spectacularly sophisticated computer animation in HD quality depicts the highly complex processes of intercellular interaction during an inflammatory periodontal reaction complete with the messenger molecules implicated. The various cell types constitute the main cast of the film, using a finely tuned communication process in their quest to destroy the bacterial invaders, with messenger molecules as supporting cast. A stunning didactic and dramatic experience! Outline: - Biofilm - Gingivitis and the Innate Immune Defense - Periodontitis and the Adaptive Immune Defense - Cleaning and Regeneration -
Objectives: To demonstrate that dynamic guided surgery is as predictable as conventional surgery. Methods: Partially edentulous patients requiring a fixed rehabilitation were selected for this pilot study. No specific contraindications were established, and smokers were not excluded. An impression was taken pre-operatively using an irreversible hydrocolloid (Cavex CA37®) to fabricate a diagnostic cast for moulding the surgical stent (NaviStent®). Afterwards, a standard cone-beam CT (CBCT) scan was made with the NaviStent® in place using a Planmeca Promax 3-D Max®. Images were converted into DICOM files and transformed into a 3-D virtual model using the Navident® software. The potential implant locations were planned in a prosthesis-driven way. For preparing the osteotomy, the drilling axis of the handpiece and the twist drills were calibrated. The osteotomies were prepared at low speed using a high level of cooling. The navigation software guided the drilling procedure in real time. Before installing implants, an extra calibration procedure was performed for tracking the implant. The aim of this pilot study was to determine the clinical outcome up to 12 months post-operatively for implants installed using the Navident® guided surgery system. Results: Partially edentulous men (n = 6) and women (n = 7) were included in this pilot study (mean age 52.15 years; range 20–75). Out of these 13 patients, two were current smokers of more than 10 cigarettes per day. Twenty implants were inserted. No mechanical or biological complications occurred during the surgical procedure, and no major complaints were reported, such as hemorrhage, sinus pathology or severe post-operative pain. No implants were lost up to 1 year after insertion, resulting in 100% implant survival. Conclusions: Based on the results of this pilot study, real-time navigation is a promising technique. However, there is not yet enough evidence to show that the method is as safe and predictable as conventional implant surgery. -
Esthetic and Restorative Dentistry - Ceramic Materials
Terry, Douglas A. -
Aesthetic upper anterior implant placement case
Dr. Dominik BüchiDr. Dominik Büchi performed a ridge preservation to keep the soft tissue volume. He then placed an implant 8 weeks later with simultaneous GBR. The final emergence profile was created by a fixed provisional crown. -
Live surgery Surgical treatment of bone necrosis
Schultze-Mosgau, Stefan -
Fiberglass frameworks in removable prosthodontics
Bücking, Wolfram
Am beliebtesten
Bone Spreading, Bone Condensing (Interim Control System)
Streckbein, Roland -
Techniken des plastischen Verschlusses einer Mund-Antrum-Verbindung
Schultze-Mosgau, Stefan / Neukam, Friedrich Wilhelm / Basting, GerdGliederung: - Gliederung einer Mund-Antrum-Verbindung - Ausschluss von entzündlichen, zystischen oder tumorösen Kieferhöhlenerkrankungen - Wangenlappenplastik zur plastischen Deckung einer Mund-Antrum-Verbindung, Demonstration der Brückenlappenplastik - Demonstration der Brückenlappenplastik - Demonstration der Palatinallappenplastik - Postoperative Verhaltensmaßnahmen. Bei weit in den Oberkieferalveolarfortsatz reichenden Recessus der Kieferhöhle kann es bei Extraktion von Oberkieferseitenzähnen zur Eröffnung der Kieferhöhle kommen. Die Feststellung einer einer Mund-Antrum-Verbindung erfolgt durch einen Nasenblasversuch oder die Sondierung der Alveole mit stumpfen Sonden. Nach Ausschluss einer entzünd-lichen, zystischen oder tumorösen Kieferhöhlenerkrankung sollte eine Mund-Antrum-Verbindung unverzüglich innerhalb der nächsten 24 Stunden nach Extraktion plastisch verschlossen werden, um eine Kontamination der keimfreien Kieferhöhle zu verhindern. Demonstriert wird die plastische Deckung durch eine vestibulär gestielte Wangen-lappenplastik. Nach Bildung eines vestibulär gestielten Mukoperiolastlappens wird der Lappen durch eine Schlitzung des Periostes so verlängert, dass ein spannungsfreier Verschluss der eröffneten Kieferhöhle möglich wird, ohne gleichzeitig die Durchblutung des Lappens zu gefährden. -
Zahnersatz aus Zirkoniumoxidkeramik mittels Überpresstechnik verblendet, Teil 2
Bußmeier, UweGliederung: - Zirkoniumdioxidgerüst - Dentinkern u Schulter überpresst - Keramik-Schneide Schichtung - Mal-Glasurbrand. Materialliste: Zeno Tec System Wieland Software: Dental Designer by 3shape Fräseinheit Wieland 4030 Zirkon:ZENO® Zr, Einfärbung Zirkon: Zircolor Einbettmasse: PressXZR Investment Einwegstempel: Imagine Press Presslinge: PressXZR SHO-3, Schichtkeramik: ZIROX Glasurmasse: PressXZR Body Stain A3 / Glaze
Für dich empfohlen
Objectives: Balance of the body trunk is associated with jaw position, occlusal force, muscular balance and vertical dimension. Dental implants are thought to be capable of correcting balance with high reproducibility following the loss of teethIn the present study, prosthetic restorations with dental implants were analysed in terms of correlation to recovery and maintenance of the body trunk balance. Methods: A total of 14 patients were in the study. They had received implant prosthetics at our university hospital, seven for intercalary single- tooth defects of the first molars, and seven for unilateral free-ends. Occlusal information, such as intercuspal contact position and area, contact number and occlusal force, was recorded onto pressure measurement films (Dental Prescale[tm]) and converted into a numerical form by an analyser (Occluzer[tm]) six months after delivery of implant superstructures. Measurements were performed with or without superstructures in each patient, and all cases were evaluated for the influence of dental implants on body sway (Gravicorder[tm]. Bacteriological and pathological parameters of peri-implantitis were analysed in the patients who were engaged to be healthy or contracted peri-implantitis after dental implant treatment. Results: There were no differences in intercuspal contact area, contact number and occlusal force on implant delivery on both contralateral and bilateral sides of dentition, with or without superstructures in the intercalary defect group. On the other hand, implant prostheses in the unilateral free-end group showed an increase in intercuspal contact area, contact number and occlusal force on the delivery side, but not the contralateral side. Notably, intercuspal contact position and area, contact number and occlusal force for the residual teeth on the delivery side were decreased by distributing functional load to the implants. Body sway was improved and tended to be balanced not anteroposteriorly, but laterally, by dental implant treatment only in the unilateral free-end group, although not statistically significantly. Bacterial flora was detected in patients with and without dental implant prosthetics, and peri-implantitis elevated the bacterial flora that are generally observed in, and specific to, periodontitis. Conclusion: Free-end implants increased intercuspal contact area, contact number and total occlusal force, influencing not the contralateral but the implant delivery side. Improved body sway is attributed to stabilised isometric contraction. In this study, the implant prostheses of the free-end group (not intercalary) acquired symmetry in the parameters, attenuating the range of lateral body sway. Therefore, although anteroposterior sway was not influenced, free-end recovery by dental implant prostheses may be associated with stabilising isometric contraction. Peri-implantitis signified an increase in bacterial flora associated with periodontitis, but not the change in spectrum, indicating that periodontitis may be an intimate factor for peri-implantitis. In conclusion, dental implant prostheses improved intercuspal contact area, contact number and occlusal force to recover and maintain body trunk balance. -
Anterior Implant Placement using in a Combined Roll Flap and Connective Tissue Graft Technique
Schultze-Mosgau, StefanProcedure: - Incision Technique and Roll Flap Creation - Excision and Transplantation of Connective Tissue Graft Material from the Palate - Implant Placement and Fixation Procedure Contents: This video describes the preparation of an implant insertion site for placement of an individual implant at site 11 using a roll flap and free connective tissue graft technique. The procedure is designed to shape the implant insertion site and to create a secure, keratinized gingival base. Step-by-step, the operator demonstrates the incision technique, the roll flap creation procedure and the techniques used for excision, transplantation and fixation of the free connective tissue graft within the scope of implant placement. -
Objectives: To evaluate the influence of bone marrow cells on bone formation in an ectopic subcutaneous model in mice. Methods: Six BALB/c mice were divided into three groups (n = 2 in each). In all groups, a xenograft was implanted subcutaneously. In the negative control group, the xenograft was hydrated with saline solution. In the positive control group, it was embedded with osteodifferentiated adult mesenchymal stem cells derived from bone marrow. In the experimental group, the xenograft was embedded with bone marrow aspirate concentrate. After 4 weeks, the animals were sacrificed and prepared for histologic, histomorphometric and immunohistochemical analysis. The following tissues were evaluated: pre-osteoid tissue (POT), loose connective tissue (LCT) and remaining xenograft particles (XG). Results: There was statistically significant difference (p=0.008) in POT area between the negative control group (0+0%) and the other two groups (42+11% experimental; 56+55% positive control). Similarly, there was a statistically significant difference (p=0.006) in LCT area between the negative control group (49+18%) and the other two (3+9% experimental; 0+0% positive control). There were no statistically significant differences between all three groups for XG area (p=0.143). Conclusions:The use of a mineralised scaffold loaded with either concentrated bone marrow aspirate or with osteogenically-induced bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells favours the formation of osteoid tissue compared to scaffold alone.